JRC LIVE and SYRI enable Crisis Security

Austrian researchers have developed a system that makes it possible to monitor supply chains in real-time for the very first time.

When the Josef Ressel Center LIVE was founded about two years ago - thanks to the Christian Doppler Research Association, supported by the Ministry of Economics, together with the corporate partners BMW Group and HOFER KG - the task was clear: to precisely analyze and visualize the value-added networks of companies. This way efficient and smooth processing can be ensured all the way to the end customers - enabling quick reactions to changes in the network. "For companies, real-time information about their value-added networks was already of main importance before the Corona crisis. Now it is crucial to be able to identify and eliminate any systemic risks even on a daily basis," emphasizes Center-Head Markus Gerschberger. For this purpose, the logics developed by the scientists and incorporated into the GoVisible system govisible.org is now being expanded by systemic risk identification (SYRI) and applied to national supply networks. In order to support Austria in overcoming supply bottlenecks in the crisis in a timely manner, the Ressel Center LIVE is represented in the COVID crisis team of the Federal Government. The work already carried out by the LIVE-Team is now essential for providing decision-makers with the necessary information proactively and at an early stage.

SYRI enables Crisis Security

The interest of the crisis management team and the business community in the project result is therefore very high: "If, for instance, difficulties arise in feed production in China, it can take a long time before the Austrian food trade notices these supply problems", Gerschberger refers to well-known concerns as a result of the corona crisis. Thanks to the contribution of science, the entire food supply system will become more resilient, i.e. more resistant. Early investment in research by the Ministry of Economics and corporate partners is therefore showing beneficial in the crisis.

The SYRI project team in the COVID crisis team of the Federal Government

Prof. Gerschberger and his team from JRC LIVE and Logistikum, Prof. Thurner and his team from the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Prof. Gronalt and his team from the Institute of Production Economics and Logistics at BOKU, PD Dr. Beate Pinior from Vetmeduni Vienna.

Original Source: Wirtschaftsmagazin trend Heft 18 / 2020

Wirtschaftsmagazin trend Heft 18 / 2020

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Regaining supply chain sovereignty.

Acknowledgements: The financial support by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development is gratefully acknowledged.

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